Android APP
Our amazing Android APP enable you to connect our hardware to your Android mobile phone and to use our solution as mobile solution.
The Android APP name is LevRosh, can be found here:
Enjoy !!!!
Kids in Stress
Feeling like there are too many pressures and demands on you? Losing sleep worrying about tests and schoolwork? Eating on the run because your schedule is just too busy? You're not alone. Everyone experiences stress at times — adults, teens, and even kids. But there are ways to minimize stress and manage the stress that's unavoidable.
Student Stress Starts Early. The Problem: Premature Pressure by Parents, Peers
It starts as soon as kindergarten. It turns play into competitive sport. It turns the joy of learning into a struggle to excel. It turns friends into social connections and charitable acts into a line on a resume.
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Totally Stressed Out is a stress management site for students and other stressed out humans. Totally Stressed Out is designed to teach you how to take care of your...